Pete Johnson started Tatuaje Cigars in 2003 bringing a new boutique mindset to the cigar industry as a whole. Tatuaje focuses on ultra-premium, hand rolled, long filler tobacco, typically coming from Nicaragua. Rolled at El Rey de los Habanos in Miami Florida, also known as My Father cigars. Tatuaje cigars is the proud recipient of several 90 plus ratings from your favorite publications. Some of our favorite Tatuaje blends here at Luxury Cigar Club are the Black Series known for its refined smoothness, medium – full bodied profile, and wonderful notes of coffee, chocolate, and earth. The Fausto known for its full-bodied punch, a perfect cigar for a steak dinner, or high proof whiskey pairing. Tatuaje focuses on high quality regular production products, as well as highly coveted limited production cigars like the Monster Series, and even more coveted limited-edition releases. While over the past several years Tatuaje Cigars have moved out of the boutique space and more into the mainstream, Pete Johnson still treats it like boutique. These cigars are made with passion, love, care, and commitment to the cigar smoking experience. Make sure to keep an eye out for Luxury Cigar Club unique Tatuaje samplers! Get notified by joining our Text Club.