
Angelenos cigars are a captivating and distinguished brand that captures the essence of Los Angeles with its rich and flavorful blends. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Angelenos cigars offer a luxurious smoking experience that embodies the spirit of the City of Angels.

Among their impressive multi vitola line, the best-selling cigars from Angelenos include the Angelenos Robusto and the Angelenos Toro. The Robusto offers a medium-bodied smoke with a perfect balance of earthy notes, hints of spice, and a creamy finish. The Toro, on the other hand, delivers a full-bodied profile with bold flavors of leather, cedar, and dark chocolate.

These cigars are distributed by Prometheus, the brand that brought you God of Fire, Sencillo, and very limited edition releases from Arturo Fuente's FFOX collection.

Angelenos cigars have garnered recognition and accolades from top publications, further solidifying their status as a brand of excellence. Cigar Aficionado has praised Angelenos for their outstanding craftsmanship and flavorful blends, earning them a spot in their Top 25 Cigars of the Year list. Additionally, Cigar Journal has applauded Angelenos for their dedication to quality and sophistication.

With their commitment to producing exceptional cigars that embody the spirit of Los Angeles, Angelenos continues to delight aficionados with their exquisite blends and remarkable smoking experiences. Each puff of an Angelenos cigar is a journey through the vibrant and diverse streets of LA, making it a must-try for cigar enthusiasts seeking a touch of Californian allure.

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Angelenos Limited Edition
From $66.25 - $373.76