Joya de Nicaragua
Joya de Nicaragua is a renowned cigar brand that has been crafting exceptional cigars since 1968. With a rich heritage rooted in Nicaragua, they have become a symbol of excellence and craftsmanship in the cigar industry. Joya de Nicaragua cigars are known for their superior quality, exquisite flavors, and meticulous attention to detail.
Among their impressive lineup, the best-selling cigars from Joya de Nicaragua include the Joya Red, a medium-bodied blend with a perfect balance of spices and sweetness, and the Joya Black, a full-bodied smoke with rich notes of cocoa, pepper, and leather. These cigars are expertly crafted using premium Nicaraguan tobacco, resulting in a memorable and satisfying smoking experience.
Joya de Nicaragua also produces cigars for your favorite boutique brands like Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust, Wildfire, and one of our favorite cigars, the Cherubs from Room 101.
Joya de Nicaragua has received numerous accolades from top publications, solidifying its position as one of the finest cigar manufacturers in the world. Cigar Aficionado has consistently recognized their cigars in their annual Top 25 Cigars of the Year list, with the Joya Black ranking among the top-rated cigars. Additionally, Cigar Journal has praised Joya de Nicaragua for their consistent quality and innovation, awarding them with prestigious titles such as "Brand of the Year."
With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to delivering exceptional cigars, Joya de Nicaragua continues to captivate cigar enthusiasts around the globe with their remarkable blends and unwavering dedication to the art of cigar making.