
Byron Cigars is one of very few premier ultra-premium cigar brands on the market. From the mind of Nelson Alfonso, Byron Cigars has been delivering some of the most consistent, flavorful, and popular cigars of the modern ear. Mimicking different eras of cigar history the Byron line has something for everyone.

All Byron cigars are aged for three to five years after rolling which imparts the highest level of consistency, quality, and flavor. This process is extremely expensive, and the reason why Byron offers an almost unopposed quality cigar.

Nelson Alfonso and the Alfonso family has been in the tobacco industry for several generation. Nelson is also well known for his creation and development of most of the Habanos humidors, ashtrays, and art work.

Some of our favorite Byron Cigars are the Petite Poemas from the 19th Century Line which features four years of post roll age and is a perfect cigar for a lunch break or a cup of coffee, and the Byron 21st Century Elegantes which features 4 years of post roll age, and is perfect for desert.

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Byron 19th Century
From $66.66 - $925.00
Byron Seleccion 1850
From $0.00 - $1,388.75
Byron 21st Century
From $99.99 - $972.13
Byron 20th Century
From $96.96 - $946.88