
Platinum Nova makes cigars in a way that honors the founders Grandfather’s lifetime of knowledge and passion for this industry. They implement the highest level of quality control, that makes the family proud each time a cigar gets its band.

Platinum Nova selects only the choicest tobacco from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and a few other countries.

The result are exquisite cigars, packaged in fine wooden boxes. Each product is finish in a box worthy of the cigars themselves.

Platinum Nova makes cigars for every price range, from their 484 series, that now comes in a Dominican blend and Nicaraguan one. The 484 come in packs of 4, and appeal to all enthusiasts.

If you are looking for an ultra-premium cigar, there are plenty to choose from. From the Leo 11, Leo’s personal cigar for her consumption. Followed by their Limited-Edition line, containing something for everyone, from a beautiful perfecto to their Park Avenue, a 6.25x54 toto extra.

If you tend to learn towards the more modern side of cigars, the Mirage is for you. A decedent 6x60 gordo wrapped in a Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf, and filled with Dominican insides. Mirage is bursting with notes of leather, white pepper, and dark chocolate.


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