Terms & Conditions
Luxury Cigar Club - Premium Cigar Monthly Subscription Service in the United States
Refund Policy
Refunds will be offered on a case by case basis, and in extenuating circumstance only. Our goal is customer satisfaction, and we will make every effort to correct any issues that you might encounter.
Terms & Conditions
By subscribing you acknowledge that you are 21 years of age or older, and are legally allowed to own and consume tobacco products. Further you acknowledge that you understand that this is a subscription service that is billed monthly to the provided payment method until canceled. You also acknowledge that you will remit to the proper authority any import taxes or duties that your city, county, or state might require.
Privacy Policy
Red Beard Cigar Co. DBA Luxury Cigar Club, (Luxury Cigar Club), is committed to keeping any and all personal information collected of those individuals that visit our website and make use of our online facilities and services accurate, confidential, secure and private. Our privacy policy has been designed and created to ensure those affiliated with Red Beard Cigar Co. DBA Luxury Cigar Club of our commitment and realization of our obligation not only to meet but to exceed most existing privacy standards.
Members Free Shipping and Discount Policy
Active Luxury Cigar Club Members based in the United States are eligible for free shipping on orders over $150.00 after discounts, and 20% off of their purchases excluding subscription products. The following Products are excluded from discounts and free shipping. (Viva La Vida, Atabey, Byron).
Shipping Policy
Luxury Cigar Club is currently only shipping to the United States, Canada, Mexico, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and Germany. Shipping to the United States is done via USPS and will cost a flat $6 regardless of subscriber level, unless otherwise indicated. International shipping will cost a flat $16 regardless of subscriber level, unless other wise indicated. Shipments will leave our warehouse by the 6th of every month to fulfill orders placed in the previous calendar month. Red Beard Cigar Co. DBA Luxury Cigar Club will not declare any shipment made internationally. International subscribers understand that they are responsible for any duty, tax, or declaration required by International law. Further the subscriber acknowledges that any seizure or loss, will not be covered by Red Beard Cigar Co. DBA Luxury Cigar Club.