Tatuaje WOLFMAN Redux Sampler
Product Description
- Tatuaje Wolfman Redux 4 (Unicorn, Limited Edition) x2
- Tatuaje EL22 (Aged, Rare, Long Sold Out)
- Tatuaje Cojonu 2012 Tuxtla
- Tatuaje 10th Anniversary Belle Encre
- Tatuaje Cabaiguan No. 752
In typical Tatuaje fashion, Halloween is around the corner, meaning the new release of Monsters is in! Boxes of the Wolfman have all sold out, but we saved a few to put into these awesome samplers! You will receive TWO Wolfman Redux 4's, a cigar that was released just short of a year ago, The EL22, an amazing, aged smoke from Tat's reserves! You will also get some of our favorites from Tatuaje as well!
Product Details